Rabu, 18 Juli 2012

root cause of homosexuality: related with Povia's song

Assalamualaeekum wr. wb.
Dear all of my friends who still struggle with SSA..
If we looked at the past, maybe we would find the same condition with povia about his deeply question. Why do I have this feeling? So, let's read this lyric for contemplation..
Keep in mind the principle: "we never fight alone, the help of Allah swt is always there without us knowing it"

We will find some answers that maybe part of our question: "root cause of homosexuality" Then we will understand the sexual interest arises because of the emotional needs 'have not' fullfilled since childhood. And  being aware of sexual attraction is not a 'thing that we want' but merely a reflection of un fullfilled emotional needs.

Povia was an Italian singer who also struggle with SSA..
Here some parts of povia's song:

luca era gay (luca was gay)

Luca, Luca era gay e adesso sta con lei.
Luca Luca was gay and now he's engaged with her.
Luca parla con il cuore in mano.
Luca tells his story in sincerity.
Luca dice: sono un altro uomo.
Luca  says: I'm a changed man

Luca dice: prima di raccontare
Luca says: Before telling
il mio cambiamento sessuale
my sexual change
volevo chiarire che anche se credo in Dio
I wanted to clarify that even if I believe in God
non mi riconosco nel pensiero dell'uomo
do not recognize myself in human thought
che su questo argomento è diviso,
that is divided on this issue,
non sono andato da psicologi, psichiatri, preti o scienziati,
did not go to psychologists, psychiatrists, priests, or scientists,
sono andato nel mio passato,
I went into my past,
ho scavato e ho capito tante cose di me:
I dug and I understood many things about me:
mia madre mi ha voluto troppo bene,
My mother used to love me too much,
un bene diventato ossessione,
 a love become an obsessive
piena delle sue convinzioni
full of her convictions
ed io non respiravo per le sue attenzioni.
and I could not breathe for her attention.

Mio padre non prendeva decisioni
My father did not take decisions
d io non ci riuscivo mai a parlare,
 and I could never speak,
stava fuori tutto il giorno per lavoro,
was out all day for work,
io avevo l'impressione che non fosse troppo vero.
and i got the impression he was not quite real.
Mamma infatti chiese la separazione,
In fact, my mother asked for a divorce
avevo 12 anni, non capivo bene,
I was 12, I did not understand,
mio padre disse: "è la giusta soluzione"
My father said, "this is the right solution"
e dopo poco tempo cominciò a bere.
and shortly afterwards he began to drink.
Mamma mi parlava sempre male di papà,
Mom always spoke ill of my father,
mi diceva: "non sposarti mai, per carità",
she advise me: "do not ever get married, for heaven's sake,"
delle mie amiche era gelosa, morbosa
She instansly jealous of my female friends
e la mia identità era sempre più confusa.
and my identity was increasingly confused.

Sono un altro uomo ma in quel momento cercavo risposte,
I am another man at that time was looking for answers but,
mi vergognavo e le cercavo di nascosto.
I was ashamed and i searched secretly.
C'era chi mi diceva "è naturale",
Some said, "It's natural"
io studiavo Freud, non la pensava uguale.
but Freud didn't think that way

Poi arrivò la maturità
Later i finished my secondary school
ma non sapevo che cos'era la felicità,
I did not know what it was happiness,
un uomo grande mi fece tremare il cuore
an older man made my heart tremble
ed è li che ho scoperto di essere omosessuale,
and i discovered I was homosexual
con lui nessuna inibizione,
with him no inhibition,
il corteggiamento c'era
dating was going on
e io credevo fosse amore,
and I thought it was love,
si, con lui riuscivo ad essere me stesso,
yes, with him I could be myself,
poi sembrava una gara a chi faceva meglio il sesso.
Then like a competition to see who did better sex.

E mi sentivo un colpevole,
And I felt guilty,
prima o poi lo prendono
sooner or later take it
ma se spariscono le prove poi lo assolvono,
but if the evidence disappears they will absolve him
cercavo negli uomini chi era mio padre,
I looked for men who would be my father,
andavo con gli uomini per non tradire mia madre.
I went with the men not to betray my mother.

Luca dice: per 4 anni sono stato con un uomo
Luca says: For 4 years I have been with a man
tra amore e inganni,
between love and deception,
spesso ci tradivamo,
we often betrayed each other,
io cercavo ancora la mia verità,
i was still looking for my truth
quell'amore grande per l'eternità.
great love for eternity.

Poi ad una festa fra tanta gente
Then so many people at a party
ho conosciuto lei che non c'entrava niente,
I knew that she had nothing to do,
lei mi ascoltava,
she listened to me,
lei mi spogliava,
she undressed,
lei mi capiva,
She understood me,
ricordo solo che il giorno dopo mi mancava.
i only remember that the day after

Questa è la mia storia,
This is my story,
solo la mia storia,
only my story,
nessuna malattia, nessuna guarigione,
no disease, no cure,
caro papà ti ho perdonato anche se qua non sei più tornato.
dear father I forgive you even if you did not come back.
Mamma ti penso spesso,
Mom, i often think of you
ti voglio bene e a volte ho ancora il tuo riflesso
I love you and sometimes I still bear your reflection
ma adesso sono padre e sono innamorato
but now i am a father and i am in love with
dell'unica donna che io abbia mai amato.
the only woman i have ever loved

This song was promoted in action "Ex-Gay" in Italy. Obviously a lot of controversy, especially for LGBT activists. However I get a lot of enlightenment based on the lyric.

"SSA" should not be viewed in the eyes of human. Maybe some say that this feeling is natural and  even to be realized, naudzubillah. However this is very different  from the view of Allah, that Allah Almighty forbade the people to act which is likes the people of Luth. And We should really understand these prohibitions, and exposes ourself to a straight path.

If we look far into the past, many things that affect the emotional needs that ultimately have an impact on sexual attraction. Let's say that I describe as follows:
(1) A boy who is too close to his mother. Or maybe also a mother who is too obsessive and potective against her son.
(2) A boy who is less close to his father. Or a father who is too busy. Or a father who was too hard on his son.
(3) A boy who tends to introvert. Or the fear of violent peers. Or harassment by peers.
(4) A boy who would rather hang out with girls than among boys
(5) A boy who ever acquire sexual abuse by adults.
(6) A boy who obtain incorrect information through the environtment, television and cyberspace. That seemed to legalize gay life.
(7), and other circumstances that make the emotional needs of a boy to develop the 'masculinity' become obstructed. I also experienced some of the points I mentioned above.

But most importantly ... we are not blaming our past lives and justify ourselves to life as a gay. This misinformation that often makes us to think that we are born to be gay. But we forget that there are many things that we do not realize we can establish ourselves as the SSA.

Knowing that points above is not to justify themselves as gay and not to  blame the people involved in our past. But the whole thing is a reflection of ourselves we are experiencing the need of masculinity. And when we know that we will realize that the 'attraction' is not 'true love' but it is our emotional needs that have not been acquired in childhood. So we should realize that 'we must build the gentle side of the outside and inside. Begin to develop our masculinity by healthy relationships with straight friends and avoid the  act gay. Remember that when we take the fault step, so much regret that we will get.

at the end of the concert, povia write "NESSUNO IN FONDO SA COM' E' FATTO UN ALTRO" (NO ONE CAN TELL ANOTHER MAN WHO HE IS AT HIS CORE). The theory of homosexuality is still controversial. Many people  still confused about theirself,  including me personally. Povia story in the song still leaves many question marks. Only Allah is "Al- Aleem" with the essence of who we are. Things we do as human beings is just to obey Allah's commend.

Wassalamualaeekom wr. wb
Always keep my name into your pray..

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